This Isn’t Complicated: Trump is a Racist Piece of Garbage

Let’s cut to the chase.

Donald Trump, in addition to being the most corrupt, incompetent and unfit president in history, is a stone-cold, unapologetic racist so vile that if there was such a thing as a vilemeter it would explode upon coming within 100 yards of him.

See, wasn’t that easy?

Now maybe the media can move on to something else.

It all started when Trump spewed out racist tweets aimed at four freshman congresswomen – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib – all women of color who have been nicknamed “The Squad” for reasons I don’t know.

It continued into a Trump rally in North Carolina where he kept up the attack – particularly against Omar, a Somalian-American from Minnesota – inspiring his crowd of cultists to chant “send her back.”

I don’t think they meant to Minnesota.

What followed was the predicable gutless reactions by Trump’s Legion of Extraordinary Sycophants – also known as the Republican Party. Many of those who said they didn’t agree with Trump’s tactics were sure to include digs against the four congresswomen. Sort of like a wink to the GOP base saying “We all know they deserve it but we just can’t say it out loud.”

Yes, these aren’t a bunch of stand-up guys.

To simplify: Trump has shown us over and over that he’s a racist who believes it’s to his political advantage to divide our country along racial lines – something the GOP has been known for even before our current president showed up in the White House.

Let’s just say that’s a given and move on to what the latest incident is all about.

Trump wants to make these four progressive women the face of the Democratic Party so he can scream “socialism” over and over again. He’s hoping that when you look at Joe Biden you’ll see Ocasio-Cortez.

See how stupid that sounds when you say it out loud.

Of course, like all Trump claims this is built on a mountain of lies.

The fact is the four women have gotten a lot of publicity – probably too much – since coming into office, but they aren’t representative of a lot of the party. The party isn’t pushing for socialism.

The Democrats’ problem right now is they don’t have a nominee to run against Trump. That won’t happen until next year and until that’s decided the president’s breathtakingly dishonest campaign can run pretty much unchecked.

That nominee will become the face of the party. All bets are off until then.

Some in the media has been slow on the uptick on some things about this president. They hesitated to use the word lie when he blatantly lied. They made low-bar accomplishments like him reading from a teleprompter some kind of sign that he was becoming more presidential. Now they seem to think we need even more proof that Trump is a racist turd.

We don’t need more proof. He is a racist turd.

As we brace ourselves for what could be the dirtiest presidential campaign in history the more we can understand as truths the more we can explore and find other less obvious ones.

The litany of reasons why Trump has no business being president is long and grows every day.

The fact that he’s a racist piece of garbage has been at the top of that list for a long time, and it isn’t going anywhere.


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About Rick Elia

Rick Elia wrote for a newspaper for over 20 years, until he stopped doing that. After that he did some (mostly perfectly legal) stuff we don’t want to talk about. He started writing Facebook posts as therapy for the trauma of the 2016 presidential election. One day he came up with the idea of putting his writings into a blog. So he did. Previously, he created two other blogs: The Folks from Patterson Avenue: 3 Dog Productions Video Village:
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2 Responses to This Isn’t Complicated: Trump is a Racist Piece of Garbage

  1. Fred Scarnati says:

    It’s true all this nonsense talking lies as he’s campaigning instead of governing, spewing poison everywhere he goes, destroying government departments and firing department heads, it’s all so mind numbing. Why does the media continue to follow his smokescreens. Hey! media, focus on one or two major issues such as the children in cages or the facts on how the Republicans continue to hamper our elections for example. Maybe, by doing so we might just get some visible results. Stop the “follow the shining object” BREAKING NEWS cycles. Rick, keep shining the spotlight on
    the office of “CAPTAIN CRUNCH.”


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