Trump’s America: A Corrupt Justice System

First in three-part series on the dangerous ramifications of a Trump presidency

Our former criminal president Donald Trump has big plans for if he returns to the White House, including corrupting our federal justice system and making it his personal weapon against his perceived enemies.

The Washington Post, in a story titled, Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in second term, reports that Trump and his pals “have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term …”

“The discussions under way reflect Trump’s determination to harness the power of the presidency to exact revenge on those who have challenged or criticized him if he returns to the White House,” the Post said.

Trump has said he will appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” President Joe Biden and his family. In addition, the Post reports he has his sights set on former chief of staff John Kelly, former attorney general William Barr, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley, even his former lawyer, Ty Cobb. He’s also talked of prosecuting officials at the FBI and Justice Department.

About Rick Elia

Rick Elia wrote for a newspaper for over 20 years, until he stopped doing that. After that he did some (mostly perfectly legal) stuff we don’t want to talk about. He started writing Facebook posts as therapy for the trauma of the 2016 presidential election. One day he came up with the idea of putting his writings into a blog. So he did. Previously, he created two other blogs: The Folks from Patterson Avenue: 3 Dog Productions Video Village:
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2 Responses to Trump’s America: A Corrupt Justice System

  1. Frances Wilson says:

    You’re right in so many ways. He is consumed by rage. The very thought of him not getting his way is inconceivable to him and he will make everyone who has ever done anything to him PAY for what he has had to deal with, with no thought about him being responsible for it. It’s not like anyone has held a gun on him and forced him to do the things he’s done throughout his whole life.


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