They’re Not Fooling Us, They’re Screwing Us

Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich

The Republican claim of their support for everyday working Americans isn’t aging well.

If you pay attention, you can’t miss their pro-rich, anti-poor-and-middle-class agenda. More proof came in the form of a New York Times guest essay titled, “Many Americans Believe the Economy is Rigged.”

The piece was written by Katherine J. Cramer, co-chair of the Commission on Reimaging our Economy, and Jonathan D. Cohen, senior program officer, both from the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Their conclusions come from more than 30 small-group conversations conducted over a two-year period with Americans from all over the country.

They said that many of their subjects believe greed drives the American economy, writing “They believe the rich and powerful have designed the economy to benefit themselves and have left others with too little or with nothing at all.”

“While national indicators may suggest that the economy is strong,” the column continued,” the Americans we listened to are mostly not thriving. They do not see the economy as nourishing or supporting them. Instead, they tend to see it as an obstacle, a set of external forces out of their control that nonetheless seems to hold sway over their lives.”

No surprise there. Some people are really struggling, plus folks listening to Right-wing media aren’t going to hear about how our economic indicators has improved significantly under President Joe Biden.

Some of the participants’ comments were depressing.

About Rick Elia

Rick Elia wrote for a newspaper for over 20 years, until he stopped doing that. After that he did some (mostly perfectly legal) stuff we don’t want to talk about. He started writing Facebook posts as therapy for the trauma of the 2016 presidential election. One day he came up with the idea of putting his writings into a blog. So he did. Previously, he created two other blogs: The Folks from Patterson Avenue: 3 Dog Productions Video Village:
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