The GOP Playbook: Purge Voters, Cast Doubt, Keep Lying

Isn’t it funny that when the Right screams about unproven voter fraud that they almost always point to states that will ultimately decide the election. What a coincidence. What isn’t funny is that you can forget about our democracy and rule of law if they get away with this.

In a piece titled, “Trump’s Allies Ramp Up Campaign Targeting Voter Rolls,” the Times reports that activists, who have taken to calling themselves “investigators,” (but we’ll still call them activists) are using new data tools and disputed legal theories to urge officials to drop voters from the rolls. The article highlights their work in Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada.

They claim they want to maintain accurate voting records and remove voters who have moved to other jurisdictions. They’re lying. They want to cull as many Democratic votes as possible and cause enough chaos that they hope will give some level of plausibility to their lies about voter fraud. All the better to successfully steal the election after their 2020 efforts failed.

We’ve seen the extent to which these folks will lie. Why would we trust them now?

The Brennan Center for Justice, in a report titled, “Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth,” said, “The verdict is in from every corner that voter fraud is sufficiently rare that it simply could not and does not happen at the rate even approaching that which would be required to ‘rig’ an election.”

In conjunction with these efforts on the ground, Right-wing media outlets have joined the cause, slandering public officials as corrupt and laying the groundwork for legal challenges if Trump loses again in November.

As Joanna Lydgate, chief executive of the nonpartisan States United Democracy Center, told the Times: “It really is aimed at being able to cast doubt on the results after the fact. But also, before the election itself, at being able to shape who turns out and how they turn out.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself, Joanna.

In Michigan, these cheaters have developed a data program used to hunt for their victims. It identifies addresses with irregularities such as missing an apartment number or having an unusually high number of registered voters.

Here’s something that’s no surprise: It’s picked out a lot of folks in dense areas of Detroit and in student housing in Ann Arbor – both overwhelming Democratic cities. Call me when they target rural Republican strongholds.

Remember, when Republicans push their voter fraud lie, they want you to associate it with big cities which have high minority populations, because when they don’t look like you, they would be more likely to cheat, right?

And they hate it when young people vote, especially highly educated ones, who can see through their lies and have a genuine concern about the future for them and their children.

Here’s another game they’re playing. Federal law requires that people who may have moved be kept on the voter rolls for two election cycles, unless they received notice from the voter. There are four Michigan cities or towns where activists have lobbied officials to implement a faster removal process, the Times said.

What’s the hurry? Maybe they just missed a couple of elections. We know the answer to that. Throw off as many from Democratic areas as you can. You may lose some Republicans, but it’s a numbers game, and the odds are you’ll boot more from the other team than yours.

Here’s something to know, in Georgia 360,000 voters were challenged in the 2021 Senate runoff elections alone. In some cases, a single voter brought thousands of challenges, the Times said. A federal court found that this mockery, didn’t amount to voter suppression. Now activists plan to ramp up their campaign heading into this year’s presidential election.

Also in Georgia, Republicans in the state Senate are pushing legislation that would make it easier to challenge a voter’s eligibility. Of course, because when your game plan is based on the Big Lie, you want to make it as easy as possible to circumvent any safeguards against such a fabrication.

In Nevada, they’re doing door-to-door canvassing and have worked with landlords to compare voter rolls with their leasing records.

Look at what’s happening here. This isn’t a matter of someone votes or tries to vote and an activist says, “Wait a minute. Let’s check this one out.” In this case they’re literally knocking on your door in an effort to come up with as many challenges as possible.

Do you think this is the way the system is supposed to work? That our property should be entered and our privacy infringed upon in an effort to deny us our legal right to vote?

These trespassers are identifying themselves as a “quasi-governmental effort,” the Times said. This despite having no connection to government at all. Liars gonna lie.

You can read this very important Times story here.


It’s important to note that in some states a challenge alone is enough to limit a voter’s access to a mail ballot, or requires that person to provide additional documentation at the polls. The Times reported that activists consider such a result a victory.

That’s because they not only want to knock as many Democrats out of the game as possible, they also want to sow doubts that will cause their cult to believe the whole thing is rigged in the event Trump, or any Republican (we see you Kari Lake) loses. It just makes it easy for them to gin up violence for another possible insurrection.

What does it say about a political party that sees democracy as an impediment to its pro-rich, anti-poor-and-middle-class, anti-environment agenda? One that believes minority rule is a worthy goal because it’s their only way to retain power.

All this reinforces that the GOP is a corrupt political party lead by a corrupt ex-president.

I have this fear that Republicans are planning something if the vote total goes against Trump. I’m not talking about another insurrection, which certainly could happen, but something to flip the count in favor of Trump.

I don’t know what it could be, maybe disqualifying votes or outright changing votes. I just find it hard to believe that they aren’t at least thinking about something that extreme. I hope I’m wrong. And I hope Biden wins by such a large margin that such an effort would never work.

Hopefully Democrats will be prepared to thwart any post-election illegalities. Right now, we need to understand what Republicans are doing to cheat right now. They’re laying the groundwork to steal the election before the first vote is even cast.


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About Rick Elia

Rick Elia wrote for a newspaper for over 20 years, until he stopped doing that. After that he did some (mostly perfectly legal) stuff we don’t want to talk about. He started writing Facebook posts as therapy for the trauma of the 2016 presidential election. One day he came up with the idea of putting his writings into a blog. So he did. Previously, he created two other blogs: The Folks from Patterson Avenue: 3 Dog Productions Video Village:
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