Media Attacks On Biden Are Really An Indictment Of the GOP

Of course, Biden is not undeserving of some criticism. The media should hold all public officials accountable, although the coverage of Trump and now of Biden raises legitimate questions about how it’s gone about doing that.

Here’s something else Pfeiffer wrote: “Democrats are trying to make government work, and Republicans are using whatever power they have to break it. Coverage that disproportionately focuses on the things that are broken versus the things that work benefits the antigovernment party.”

And there you have it.

The media sees the inability of Biden and the Democrats to accomplish all their goals as their failures, and they report them as such. As if they’re doing something wrong. As if there are things they can do that they’re refusing to do.

They want us to know that Biden and the Democrats haven’t fulfilled all their campaign promises. Just remember that neither party fulfills all its campaign promises, and if we’re having a contest about which party lies more the Republicans win hands down.

But the truth is Democrats are doing what they can with what they have to work with. They just don’t have to votes to do everything, and that includes getting rid of the Senate filibuster so they can pass laws with the 50 votes they do possess plus a tie-breaking vote by the vice president.

So, when Biden and the Democrats accomplish an historic Covid package, a bipartisan infrastructure bill, a bipartisan gun bill, the turnaround of our economy, tremendous job growth, an excellent jobless rate of less than 4 percent, a successful vaccine program against a deadly pandemic, ending our endless war in Afghanistan, and reinvigorating our relationships with our NATO allies, it’s a one-day story.

When Republican obstructionism – and the actions of Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema – stop good and important bills like the Build Back Better Act and proposals on voting rights, addressing dark money in politics, lowering prescription drug prices, capping insulin costs, addressing climate change, protecting unions, defending a woman’s right to control her own reproductive system, and others, the media says Biden and the Democrats are failing.

The problem here isn’t Biden and the Democrats – although I’ve had enough of Senator Majority Leader/empty suit Chuck Schumer – it’s the GOP. The Republicans are succeeding in stopping the wheels of government and blocking actions that the majority of Americans support.

They’re the story, not Biden and the Democrats. The story is one major political party is refusing to govern, refusing to address issues – the Republicans.

The story is that for this country to move forward with the many popular ideas that Democrats have proposed the answer isn’t getting rid of Biden or giving control of Congress back to the GOP. The answer is giving the Democrats more seats in the House and the Senate so they can take the next steps in instituting an agenda that has been stopped to a large extent for only one reason – the Republicans.

Back to Pfeiffer: “Liberals want to invest in government, and conservatives want to starve it.”

It’s a lot easier to criticize when you sit back and only want to protect your position of power and your big donors. It’s a lot easier to be the target when you’re making a legitimate effort to make the sausage, so to speak, and sometimes coming up short.

And when you’re the media maybe it makes you feel tougher – and will maybe get you more clicks – if you focus on an easy target like the president and act as if the equation for governing success is based on him and him alone.

The lack of progress in moving our country forward isn’t on the Democrats.

It’s time the media stopped acting like it is.


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About Rick Elia

Rick Elia wrote for a newspaper for over 20 years, until he stopped doing that. After that he did some (mostly perfectly legal) stuff we don’t want to talk about. He started writing Facebook posts as therapy for the trauma of the 2016 presidential election. One day he came up with the idea of putting his writings into a blog. So he did. Previously, he created two other blogs: The Folks from Patterson Avenue: 3 Dog Productions Video Village:
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2 Responses to Media Attacks On Biden Are Really An Indictment Of the GOP

  1. lindak1961 says:

    Our media is worse than useless.


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