Here They Come Again

Seifried said that these Republican poll workers/stooges will have ample backup to execute the GOP’s plan.

“It’s going to be an army,” he told those attending a training session in October. “We’re going to have more lawyers than we’ve ever recruited, because let’s be honest, that’s where it’s going to be fought, right?”

In Michigan, they plan to concentrate on Detroit, Pontiac, and Southfield, which are heavily Democratic and minority areas. “Those are the ones that we need to focus all our efforts on,” Seifried said.

Suppressing the Black vote? Well, I’ll be.

Republicans aren’t just trying to put one over in Michigan. They hope to implement their plan in multiple states. Seifried is one of 16 state directors.

This is all part of the “precinct strategy” pushed by former Trump strategist Stephen Bannon. If the slimeball Bannon is involved in something you know it’s soaked in corrupt intent. This is just more proof.

“This is completely unprecedented in the history of American elections that a political party would be working at this granular level to put a network together,” said Nick Penniman, founder and CEO of Issue One, an election watchdog group. “It looks like now the Trump forces are going directly after the legal system itself and that should concern everyone.”

Here’s what’s going on: This is an effort from the very top of the Republican Party – the RNC – to sow enough doubt in the vote count in swing states to either give its candidates outright wins or, in two years, to provide cover for GOP-controlled state legislatures to throw out the real results if the Democrats win the presidency and instead submit their own slates of electors to the Electoral College.

It’s the same thing Republicans wanted to do in 2020. They failed then, and right before our eyes they’re trying it again.

Think of it, hundreds of poll workers whose only goal is to get Democratic votes in vital Democratic areas thrown out. Or at least to sow so much confusion that corrupt state legislators can take their cue to crush our democracy.

This is the GOP’s idea of a democracy. It’s how a corrupt party tries to perpetuate minority rule.

A spokesperson for the RNC told Politico that the party is attempting to rectify an imbalance in favor of Democratic election workers in large urban areas, particularly Detroit, a city that votes reliably Democratic by more than 90 percent. Just 170 of more than 5,400 Detroit election officials were Republicans in 2020, according to the RNC.

No, what they’re trying to do is install folks whose only goal is to try to get as many Democratic votes disqualified as possible. Urban areas like Detroit are the lifeblood of Democratic political hopefuls.

And no, I’m not giving them the benefit of the doubt. A party that defends violent insurrectionists by claiming their attack on the Capitol is “legitimate political discourse,” blatantly lies in claiming a rigged election when their guy lost, protects a president, elected officials, and others who plotted to steal the 2020 election, and takes its marching orders from the most corrupt and unfit president in history can never have its motives trusted.

They have and continue to show us who they are too many times to think otherwise.

Seifried estimated that the RNC is committing $35 million to these so-called election integrity efforts nationwide, He said the party wants to “start reaching out to law enforcement.”

What better way to intimidate honest poll workers trying to do their jobs than by having goons on hand to back up the ringers put in place to screw things up? 

You can read the very detailed Politico article here.

The Republican Party is more interested in executing legal shenanigans to throw out your vote than in actually winning by presenting ideas, policies, and a vision for the future. This begs the question: What are the Democrats going to do about it

I guess we’ll see.

To turn up the heat even more, CNN reported that the Department of Homeland Security is warning that threats in the United States could become even more volatile throughout the summer and midterm election season. This is being fueled by election year misinformation and potential violence surrounding an upcoming Supreme Court ruling on abortion rights.

“As the United States enters mid-term election season this year, we assess that calls for violence by domestic violent extremists directed at democratic institutions, political candidates, party offices, election events, and election workers will likely increase,” according to a National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin issued this week and obtained by CNN.

You can read the CNN story here.

The Republican Party has given a wink and a nod to white nationalists and has turned a blind eye to violence that’s often attributed to the party and its base for too long now. We know that some people on the Right seem to be spoiling for a civil war in this country.

If a Democrat wins the presidential election in 2024, and that result is overturned by GOP corruption, they just might get their wish.


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About Rick Elia

Rick Elia wrote for a newspaper for over 20 years, until he stopped doing that. After that he did some (mostly perfectly legal) stuff we don’t want to talk about. He started writing Facebook posts as therapy for the trauma of the 2016 presidential election. One day he came up with the idea of putting his writings into a blog. So he did. Previously, he created two other blogs: The Folks from Patterson Avenue: 3 Dog Productions Video Village:
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2 Responses to Here They Come Again

  1. Fred Scarnati says:

    Rick, isn’t this impossible to stop? With all the lies continuing to be spread throughout the media nationwide and now bringing these clowns into our voting process, how can it be stopped? Democrats better get damn tough in all areas of the voting process. It’s absolutely mind boggling. Your blog post clearly pin points the seriousness of the Republican voter corruption process. It’s not a joke America WAKE UP! Great post Rick.👍👍👍👍👍.


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